Wardship, Elder Law & Enduring Powers of Atorney
In circumstances where a person is no longer in a position to manage their own affairs including property, an application can be made to the High Court for a person to be made a Ward of Court to protect this person’s welfare. (property can include houses, bank accounts, prize bonds, credit unions accounts, etc.)
The Ward of Court procedure provides a solution where the assets are in a person’s sole name and they are no longer able to manage their affairs. It is usually a relative that can apply to the High Court and the person’s property can be used for their benefit. The Office of the Ward of Court is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Wardship process.
A person can be made a Ward of Court because:
a) of mental incapacity, or
b) where a minor requires court protection for a particular reason.
The majority of applications are made where a person lacks the mental capacity to look after their own welfare and affairs.