Child Law
Stafford Legal has a wealth of experience in the very important and niche area of family law.
David Stafford has acted for parents, Guardian ad Litem’s and the State bodies at various stages since qualification and is a powerful advocate for his clients and their view points of view to secure the best interests of the child and their welfare.
In his time working in the courts in counties Dublin, Meath and Louth he has built up a wealth of professional and personal relationships with various stakeholders in this vital area of family law.
We have particular experience in private practice with the representation of Guardian ad Litem’s. A Guardian ad Litem is an experienced independent social worker that is appointed by the Court to represent the wishes and feelings and the best interests of the child to the court. Indeed the voice of the child is a vital if not paramount consideration for any court when deciding that a child be taken into the care of the State for a short or long period of time. Guardian ad Litem’s play a vital role in advising the court about what the child feels and what they want and importantly what they believe is in the best interests of the child.
We also have the experience of representing parents in vindicating their rights in the context of their dealings with the social work department, the court, and other professionals.
We actively advise & represent Guardian ad Litem’s, parents, and others in many discreet areas of Child Care Law:
Emergency Care Orders
Interim Care Orders
Care Orders
Supervision Orders
Applications under section 47 (seeking directions of the court to secure the best interests of the child)
Special Care Representation in the High Court
District Court Appeals
Judicial Review and Article 40 proceedings in the context of the Child Care Act, 1991
Guardianship, Custody and Access applications in the context of the Child Care Act, 1991
Immigration matters relating to children in the care process
Applications for the involuntary detention of children in approved facilities (S.25 Mental Health Act, 2001)
We have a genuine understanding of the upset and vulnerability of people when they come in contact with State bodies such as the social work department or An Garda Siochana. We are passionate, understanding, professional and represent our clients without fear or favour in seeking to advocate their particular views, wishes, and rights as they relate to children. We work closely and collaboratively with other lawyers and professionals in this process.
This area of law is complex, important, and extremely sensitive and the team at Stafford Legal are responsive and empathetic and above all will advocate your view point to the court in order to seek compromise or a resolution to the matter at hand and ultimately assist in securing the welfare and best interests of the child.